Pavel Durov, the billionaire founder and CEO of the Telegram messaging app, was arrested on Saturday evening at Bourget airport near Paris, according to reports from French local media. The arrest is reportedly linked to concerns over the lack of moderation on Telegram, which authorities believe has allowed criminal activities to flourish unchecked on the platform.
Despite repeated requests, Telegram has yet to provide a statement regarding the incident. Both the French Interior Ministry and the police declined to comment. Meanwhile, Russia’s Foreign Ministry announced that it is working to gather more information and raised questions about whether Western NGOs would advocate for Durov's release.
Who is Pavel Durov and What is Telegram?
- Pavel Durov, 39, is the Russian-born billionaire behind Telegram, a popular messaging app that competes with the likes of WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok, and WeChat. Telegram, which Durov owns, is a free-to-use platform with ambitions to reach over one billion active monthly users within the next year.
- Telegram holds significant influence in Russia, Ukraine, and other former Soviet republics. It has become a crucial source of information in Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine, utilized extensively by both Russian and Ukrainian officials. Some analysts describe Telegram as a “virtual battlefield” for the conflict.
- Durov, whose net worth is estimated by Forbes at $15.5 billion, fled Russia in 2014 after refusing government orders to shut down opposition communities on his VKontakte (VK) social media platform, which he later sold.
- Reports from Russian and French media indicate that Durov acquired French citizenship in 2021. He relocated both himself and Telegram to Dubai in 2017.
- In an interview with US journalist Tucker Carlson in April, Durov stated, “I would rather be free than take orders from anyone,” reflecting on his decision to leave Russia and search for a new base for his company. This journey included stays in Berlin, London, Singapore, and San Francisco.
- During the same interview, Durov mentioned that aside from money and Bitcoin, he owned no significant assets like real estate, jets, or yachts, emphasizing his desire for freedom.
The Arrest Incident
Pavel Durov was reportedly traveling aboard his private jet when he was detained at Bourget airport outside Paris, according to French TV channel TF1, which cited an unnamed source. Durov, who was en route from Azerbaijan, was apprehended around 8 p.m. local time (6 p.m. GMT) in response to an arrest warrant issued in France.
The 39-year-old entrepreneur was expected to appear in court on Sunday. Durov, who currently resides in Dubai, holds dual citizenship in France and the United Arab Emirates.
The arrest has sparked immediate action from Russia’s embassy in France, which is working to clarify the situation. TASS news agency, citing a representative from the Russian embassy, reported that no official appeal had been made by Durov’s team, but the embassy is nonetheless taking “immediate” steps to address the issue.
Durov and his brother Nikolai launched Telegram in 2013, and the app now boasts around 900 million active users. Telegram is known for its end-to-end encrypted messaging, and users can create “channels” to rapidly disseminate information to large audiences.